Mar 11, 2008

Retired 'Winning Smoking Fight' survey says!

Reaching retirement presents a golden opportunity to finally kick the smoking habit, research suggests. The Peninsula Medical School, in Devon, followed 1,712 smokers over Six years to measure their success in giving up.

The success rate among those who had recently retired was 42.5%, but among those still in work it was 29.3%. Researchers said retirement may make it easier to make other major lifestyle changes, but workers thinking of quitting should still attempt to do so.

Other research released by the Peninsula Medical School, in Exeter, to coincide with No Smoking Day suggested smokers are generally unhappier than non-smokers.

Both studies were carried out by Dr Iain Lang, he said:

"Retirement is one of the great transitions in life, which is why a greater proportion of people may find it easier to make significant changes elsewhere in their lives at this time. We are excited at the possibility that what we have seen with smoking may also apply to other aspects of lifestyle, like eating more healthily and doing more exercise."

Dr Lang said highlighted some of the important notes for smokers:

> Smoking is also an extremely expensive habit - and the Budget could mean
it gets even more expensive.

> People may feel like they're getting pleasure when they smoke a cigarette
but in fact smokers are likely to be less happy overall.

> Smoking doesn't make you happy - in fact, it's associated with poorer
overall quality of life.

> If lung age is normal, there is an incentive to stop before it is too

> If lung age is abnormal then this is a clear message that the lungs are
undergoing accelerated deterioration that would be slowed if the smoker

Organizers say they expect more than two million people to attempt to give
up smoking.

Keywords: smoking is unhealthy, life after retirement

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